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Who Will Be Handling My Case at Gervelis Law Firm?


Video Transcript

What happens is, after I am done with my portion of it, my initial contact with the person the investigative part, seeing if we can help you. If I determine this is a good case, we can help you with it, then we’ll go over some paperwork with the person but then the case is passed along to one of our paralegals. I give the information to them, they will in turn contact the client, and gather a little bit more information, recheck to see what providers they’re seeing, see if they need any other information, and kind of let them know how the process will go from here. The attorney will call them the following week to introduce themself, see if they have any other questions or anything, letting them know again that they’re the boss, they’re running the show, we work for you. The attorney will also let them know that we’re not going to ask the insurance company to settle this case without your approval. We will not settle this case for any amount without their approval. Everything has to get approved by them, but I will do anything here to advance the Gervelis cause and to take care of our clients. So, if they can’t get a hold of their paralegal or if they just feel a little bit more comfortable talking with me, call me, if I don’t know the answer I’ll get you the answer.
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