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What is Gervelis’ Rapid Investigation Team?


Video Transcript

It’s a lot like when I was working as a state trooper. You can get notified of anything at any time. I will get the call, I’ll get the email right away. My first thing is I’m going down to see that person.If they’re in the hospital, I’m gone, I’m out. While I’m getting ready to go and see them, I’m on the computer I’m trying to get a crash report to see where this crash happened at. Perhaps police are still on scene. If they are on scene, they’ll have some connections with different departments and stuff. We’ll contact them. What do you have, what can you give me, but I’ll get anything earlier than I can so when I do go down there, I can help the person even more. I don’t care if I have to wait an hour in the hospital, I will go there again. I want to make that personal contact. I will be there right away. I will be there long as I possibly can. After I leave that person, family member needs a ride home, jump in we’ll get you home. What do you need? You need me to get you something to eat or drink? I’m there. We’ll get you taken care of and from there, I’ll go to the scene even if the police are gone if it’s safe for me to be there I’m going to go there I’m going to photograph that scene. The sooner we get it done, better it is for you, the better it is for us to represent you.
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